Day 17 of 2017 - It's Time To Expand

Day 17 of 2017 - It's Time To Expand

Have you ever been told to live outside of the box?  Usually the person saying this is trying to encourage us to live free, without limitations.  Such limitations are often self-imposed restrictions, or the reflection of limitations with which others have tried to restrain us.  It’s time to break out of comfort zones and fear, and live out the dreams and visions God had given us.

Day 14 of 2017 - Strength to Endure

Day 14 of 2017 - Strength to Endure

Recently I was visiting with family members whose son was recently in a terrible automobile accident.  Their son is currently in a rehabilitation facility and we asked about his progress.  The young man currently has no feeling in his legs, but he is standing in faith that he will walk again.  One day physical therapists came to show him the newest, most modern wheelchairs.  After the visit, the therapists left and the young man’s dad turned to him and said, “You know, those are really cool.  But you’re not going to need one!” 

Day 13 of 2017 - Keep Steppin'

Day 13 of 2017 - Keep Steppin'

When I got married to my high school sweetheart, I couldn’t wait to literally carry her over the threshold of our home. Leading up to our wedding, I dreamed about the joy of that moment when I could hold her close and take the first step into our new life together.  Funny thing, that first step was connected to another step, and another step.  If I had taken one step and dropped her, it would have been a terrible start to the rest of our lives! 

Day 11 of 2017 - A Valued Stone

Day 11 of 2017 - A Valued Stone

We live in a culture that is highly demanding of our time, attention and energy.  Your job, your immediate and extended family, friends, church, extracurricular activities for your children or yourself, serving your community; all are areas that we may choose to engage to enhance our lives or the lives around us.

When we fast, we choose to refocus our time, attention and energy on God.

Day 9 of 2017 - Our Guardian

Day 9 of 2017 - Our Guardian

Fear is the greatest enemy of faith.  Fear subverts faith; it works to undermine our ability to trust God and believe that He is who He says He is, and will do what He says He will do.

I remember one time after my parents divorced, my mom, my sister and I were living in a little apartment in government housing.  There had been a rash of burglaries in the area, and several of our neighbors were so afraid, they chose to stay with other family members rather than stay in their own apartment.  I felt like we were the only people left in that whole complex! 

Day 8 of 2017 - Standing Up To A Bully

Day 8 of 2017 - Standing Up To A Bully

There are days when I have felt down right bullied by the enemy!  It seemed like every time I turned the corner there he was trying to intimidate, and humiliate me. I can’t stand a bully! 

Bullies are all about hurting people, whether that means physically causing pain or creating harmful stories so that everyone will see us as being weak. Sometimes they achieve their goal and not only do others see us as weak, but we see ourselves the same way!